Educate your international children in Brno
10:20, International School of Brno, Jan Švihálek - the director
Travel the world from Brno
10:50, Dario Todorovski a Viktorija Risteska, Lufthansa
How to stay friends with your Czech landlord
11:20, Martin Chudoba, Foreigners agency
Localize yourself: How to Feel at Home in Brno
11:50, Frank van Bommel, training and development manager, RWS Moravia
From startup to a global travel company
12:40, Pedro Gutierrez, airline business development manager, Kiwi.com
Language chemistry
13:10, Josef Milon, managing director, Language Hub
“All roads lead to Brno”
13:40, Jurgen Mussmann, Center Director, ATT
3 occasions you'd probably wished you had
an English-speaking lawyer
14:10, Eva Sladká Florianová, attorney at law
Navigate your next: Growth in the changing world
14:40, Anatole Soulier, Infosys
Commercial and public health insurance
- what are the differences?
15:10, Viktória Collier, insurance specialist, UNIQA
Zebra's tips and tricks
15:40, Veronika Hybášková, talent acquisition team leader, Zebra
Buying a property in Brno. Own it!
16:10, Marek Viktor, real estate speacialist
Longing for a long-term residence:
what are the risks?
16:40, Tomáš Petyovský, attorney-at-law, Petyovský & Partners
Getting engaged with a mortgage in Brno
17:10, Tomáš Ryšánek, financial consultant and advisor, PAFIN
a ticket to the seminars is included in your ticket for the fair
Do quidditch and lacrosse have anything
in common?
10:30 - 10:50, Brno Ravens Lacrosse
Stop calling it "that stick for catching butterflies" and come to give it a throw!
How can a cihldren’s story come alive
through crafts?
11:00 - 11:45, Dlouhá punčocha + A proč? Brno
Read about a little girl and her fear when moving to a new country and to a new school.
Can you master any Czech words after some explanation and a few pronunciation exercises?
12:00 - 12:20, Correct Language Centre
Belly binding in pregnancy and postpartum
12:30 - 12:50, Doula Anna Fiľová
A short demonstration of belly binding in pregnancy (for comfort and pain relief) and belly binding after birth (which provides back support, improves posture, stabilizes loose ligaments, helps with diastasis recti, etc.).
Make your own pop-up book!
13:00 - 13:20, Crafts with Lužánky
With help of colourful paper, pastels, scissors and with few other necessary tools we discover together your dream world. Your imagination has no limits!
Experience the characteristics and advantages
of the Montessori education system
14:00 - 14:20, Sluníčko Montessori
Typical mistakes in Czech
and how to overcome them
14:30 - 14:50, Correct Language Centre
What does it take to be an actor?
15:00 - 15:45, B.E.S.T. divadlo
Would you know how to provide CPR to a child or baby?
16:00 - 16:20, First Aid for Children
Can you tell a great story?
Would you like to develop your writing skills?
16:30 - 16:50, Brno Writers Group
How can I get involved in amateur community theater?
17:00 - 17:20, Czech Theater